Home learning in Humanities

All home learning can be accessed via your child's Google Classroom

ks3 home learning

There is no specific day of the week in which home learning is set in Humanities as this will be dependent on when groups are taught. There will however be an expectation that students complete the expected amount of work in lessons and therefore some of the home learning tasks set will completion tasks usually lasting no more than 10 minutes.

Home learning quizzes - In order to assess knowledge and retention of knowledge students will be set online quizzes as a home learning task. These will fall at the end of each unit of learning.

Ks4 home learning

In KS4 there is no set home learning day for Humanities but it is recommended that students get in good routine to complete retrieval tasks and quizzes that will be set by their teacher at the beginning of each term.

Retrieval strategy in Humanities - the science of learning tells us that we need to revisit information regularly or else it is forgotten. That is why we build regular retrieval tasks into home learning to prevent the forgetting and cramming for assessments. Each term students will be set quizzes based on the content that they have studied. Teachers will assess completion at the end of each half-term. Students should aim to master their basic knowledge and aim to achieve 80%+ on their quizzes. Students can attempt the quizzes as many times as they like. If they find a given quiz difficult then this is a sign that they should revisit that given unit and re-study what they need.

What can I do to support the learning of my child?

Ask your child questions about their learning - What did you study in History/Geography today / this week / this term? Aim to get them really thinking by delving deeper. Rather than regurgitating the title of the lesson ask them to tell you more. This type of questioning is good for retrieval and means that your child will have to think hard to recall more detailed information which in the end means they will remember more.

Review your child's exercise book each term - At Baysgarth School we have high expectations around presentation for all of our students. We expect all students to take pride in their books and present their work to the best of their ability. Are titles and dates neatly underlined with a ruler? Does it look as though all tasks have been complete or are their gaps? Are they using capital letters and full stops? Are their spellings accurate? Are they answering in full sentences? Are they answering questions in depth?

Encourage your child to catch up on missed lessons - In History / Geography there is a vast amount of content to cover so in almost every lesson we are moving onto something new. At GCSE level students can be assessed on anything outlined in the specification so a missed lesson will mean that your child will have gaps in their knowledge which will prevent them from answering a given question or part of a more open question in an exam. Students should request work when they have missed a lesson and not automatically expect the teacher to set this. In addition their are online lessons and resources available to support missed learning such as through the GCSEPod and SENECA Learning.